the Fabric Marlowe (Premium fabric) — Pendragon Costumes Pendragon Costumes - Quality, hand-made, Renaissance clothing for men and women Pendragon Costumes


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the Fabric Marlowe Doublet (Premium fabric)

Men's Doublets

the Fabric Marlowe Doublet (Premium fabric)


the Fabric Marlowe Doublet (Premium fabric)


The Marlowe is a fabric doublet sewn with black cordege in the two seams on the front and back. The fabric is generally a chenille in a floral or geometric pattern. The sleeves also have cordege sewn in the seam down the side front. The fully lined sleeves button up the outside edge from wrist to shoulder. This doublet buttons all the way up the front as well.

Lined with black cotton, the standard size doublet is adjustable to fit most sizes. Laced completely closed, it is comparable to a 42 jacket, loosening the sides increases the size. Up to a 48 fits comfortably. Side panels are available for larger sizes. Also available in Tall, Small, Small Tall and X-Large. Please visit our sizing page for more information.

We now offer this doublet in premium fabric for a slight upcharge. If you have been discussing a special fabric for your doublet and were told it would be the “premium price”, this is where to order! Below you find a selection of some of our most popular “premium fabrics” .

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If you want to order this doublet without sleeves, you can do that here:

To pair with this doublet, consider adding a shirt and breeches:

the Pendragon Shirt

Generously sized men's shirts in brushed cotton featuring a tie detail at the collar and pleated cuffs.

They are available in White, Natural, and Black. They can be custom ordered in other colors.

Men's Breeches
from $45.00

Our men’s breeches are generously sized and fit most men. They have a drawstring waistband and drawstrings at the knees

In cotton, they are available in any color.

In brocade, they are available in several types and colors of brocade.

In chenille, they are available in any of the chenille fabrics that our doublets come in.

In leather, they are standard in black, but can be ordered in any of the other plonge leather colors.

They look great alone or under our Italian Pants to look like Panes Slops.